Our History 教會歷史
由柯良珍, 鄺妙玲傳道夫婦於1999年帶領一群旅居北加州康郡安提阿市,熱心愛主的弟兄姐妹開始了查經班,查經班初期在傳道人家中聚會。
Antioch Chinese Gospel Church (ACGC) in 2003 took over what was Central Chinese Christian Church (CCCC) – Antioch. In 1999, Pastor James and Fanny Kua led a few Antioch families and formed a Bible study fellowship in Kua’s home, and in July 2000 started CCCC Antioch with regular Sunday Worships in Antioch Waterpark on Lone Tree Way. CCCC Antioch moved to the current location in 2002. In 2003, Contra Costa Gospel Church (CCGC) heard the need of CCCC Antioch, stepped in to help through church-planting effort led by Rev. Luke Chu. The church was renamed to Antioch Chinese Gospel Church up to this day. In helping ACGC, CCGC had sent faithful brothers and sisters to Antioch to help and serve. After Rev. Chu moved to Austria in 2006 to help a Chinese church there, CCGC had sent Rev. Richard Yu to help lead the church. Rev. Richard Yu currently serves as the Advisory Pastor of ACGC, helping the church moving forward.