Our Vision  教會異象




一.  對神敬拜讚美

1. 神喜悅的敬拜:  把人,把自己帶到神的面前

2. 神同在的敬拜:  由聖靈掌管全心全人

3. 感謝神的敬拜:  活出神學知識的屬靈成熟生命

二.  彼此關懷造就

1.彼此關懷:  關懷我們週遭有需要的鄰舍,正如神為我們所做的一樣

2.彼此接納:  在神的愛中接納並包容彼此的優缺點,正如神接納我們一樣

3.彼此建立:  在神的愛中,幫助彼此重新站起來,正如神扶持我們一樣

三.  對人見證神恩

1.成為合一的見證:  共同領受來自天上的帶領,活出基督

2.成為社區的幫助:  幫助華人在社區中彼此認識,共同生存

3.成為福音的出口:  成為這地的幫助,見證基督

 “The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.” – Acts 11:26


The goal of Antioch Chinese Gospel Church is to make difference in local Chinese community just like the Antioch Church did in the Bible; to be a church of Love, a church of giving, and a church of offering help. This Church shall bring about a spiritual revival, bring about hope, and help people in need to start a new life that not only would experience God’s existence, but also would witness God and spread His love to others.

May God help ACGC to become a church that follows God’s will. A church that follows God’s will should be:

A. Worshiping God

  1. A God-pleasing worship: to bring people and ourselves to God.
  2. A God-dwelling worship: that we are lifted by the Holy Spirit.
  3. A thanksgiving worship: to live out a life of spiritual growth from knowing and experiencing God’s greatness.

B. Caring and helping each other

  1. Caring each other: to help our neighbors in need, just like how God helped us.
  2. Accepting each other: to accept each other as who he/she is according to God’s love, just like how God accepted us.
  3. Build up each other: to revive each other in love, just like how God is helping and reviving us.

C. Witnessing God’s grace

  1. In unity: to live out a Christ-like life as a group with the guidance from above.
  2. In helping the community: to help Chinese people in our community to connect, bind, and thrive.
  3. In spreading the Gospel: to help this community by witnessing Jesus and glorifying God so people would know the Gospel.